知覚&行動療法ヒプノセッション (CBH)
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知覚&行動療法ヒプノ(Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis)は、ヒプノを行うために、知覚&行動療法を取り入れた組み合わせのセッションです
知覚&行動療法 ヒプノ(CBH)ってなに?
“People are disturbed not by events, but by the views that they take of them. Individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline.”
(Epictetus, Geek Philosopher, AC. 135)
認知行動療法 (CBT) は従来のフリーフォーマットのカウンセリングやサイコセラピーと比べると、改善を生み出していくために、過去ずっと向き合ったままでセラピーが進められていくよりも、改善を促すための気づきを得たり、アクションを取ったり、行動パターンを変えていく、いったエレメントが入っているため、より結果が出やすく、かつ経済的なセッションです。CBTの基本的なコンセプトは、私たちの思考は、感情や言動に影響を及ぼすというものであるため、思考パターンや感情パターン、行動パターンに働きかけ、単に話しているだけというよりは、改善を促す手法を取ります。そのため、感情的にも心身疾患の改善にもより有効なアプローチであることが既に臨床的なリサーチから検証されています。
What is Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis – Hypnosis is added onto CBT
Relieving only CBT itself, there is a limit as it does not work on subconscious mind, past painful memories including past life, and energetic aspect of you as it is usually only an analysis based on what client thinks and behaves. It’s good to have an analysis but our recognised conscious mind which you think you know is only 5% of your entire consciousness. It is merely a tip of the iceberg. Subconscious mind is said 95% of the entire consciousness. If client is not aware of his/her subconscious patterns, auto-pilot or does not want to accept “a reality” and his/her own weakness and not-recognised patterns and ‘illogical’ beliefs, client would be struggling with getting over their challenges and issues.
In order to solve issues, it is vital to integrate and work on the subconscious and energetic aspect of you as well as truly a whole person to make a change as there are many behaviour, thought and emotional patterns coming from the subconscious mind and past painful memories which are stored in the physical body and the mind.
Therefore, after the psychological, emotional and behaviour analysis is made for CBH, in order to make a change in your life, you will receive hypnosis based on what you want to change and where you want to reach. You will be aware totally what is going on during a hypno session but will be guided into a semi-trance state to access your subconscious mind to set and re-write dysfunctional patterns and templates to make them functional. This way, your transformation process is much quicker to reach your goal. Due to this nature, Cognitive Behaviour analysis time is used to obtain the information for hypnosis to make a change. So with this nature, full CBT intervention is not placed during the entire session time.
Psychological research has been made by Kirsch et al (1995) and it found that clients who received CBT AND Hypnosis showed 70% improvement over those who received only CBT.
This CBH is getting more recognised nowadays as it generates positive results effectively.
Integrated CBH
Since we have various tools such as NLP, EMDR, bodywork, Reiki, Crystal Healing, etc, we can see that integrating these tools into CBH can help a client to move on further. In that case, depends on the session and issue’s nature, we employ and integrate these tools especially, NLP, EMDR and Bodywork (massage) with client agreement. These tools work on neuropath, subconscious mind and energy aspect of you deeply and they can support you to get rid of dysfunctional patterns and beliefs, and reach your goals quicker. For further information of these tools, please click on each word placed with the link.
CBH helps with:
– Abusive relationship trauma
– Addiction – drug, alcohol, shopping.
– Anger or hostility
– Anxiety and stress
– Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety
– Bereavement
– Bi-polar disorder
– Blushing
– Bulling and Assertiveness
– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
– Chronic Pain
– Depression
– Dysfunctional behaviours and habits
– Eating disorder
– Emotional and physical abuse
– Emotional problems
– Financial issues, low income issue.
– Insomnia
– Lost job
– Lost love, divorce
– Obsessions and jealousy
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
– Pain management and Control
– Panic disorder and Agoraphobia
– Phobias
– Public Speaking and Presentation Anxiety
– Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
– Trauma
– Sexual and Relationship Problems
– Weight Loss
What happens in a CBH session?
Your session will be confidential and take place in a quiet environment in central London. During therapy, you will learn to look at your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, the world and other people and to understand the link to your beliefs, emotions, behaviours and physical reactions.
A list of problems you want to address will be developed in therapy but at each session, you will be focusing on one major issue you want to solve. Alongside this, you will also develop realistic goals you would like to achieve, these are flexible and constantly under review. CBH sessions are structured, unlike other forms of psychotherapy where clients talk about anything.
By making links between what you do, think and feel, CBH can help you make changes in the way you think (Cognitive). Making changes in how you think will affect how you feel and how you behave (Behaviour). Similarly, vice versa, changing what you do, affects the way you think and feel. Making these changes can then help you feel better.
CBT may focus on what is going on in the present rather than the past. However, in therapy we may also look at your past and how your past experiences impact on how you interpret the world now. These can be dealt with EMDR and NLP to sort them out.
At the end of each session you may agree to do a brief “homework” to put into practice what has been discussed and make a new habit for your positive transformation. This may be writing a diary or trying out a coping exercise for a specific situation. This is an important part of the process and the results will be discussed at your follow-up appointments.
Style of Therapy and how to deal with possible obstacles.
The style of therapy is ‘collaborative’, which means that you are actively involved in the therapy. Feel, see, hear and notice what you sense and share. Your views and reactions are important in order to shape the way therapy progresses. We work together to find the best solution for you so that you learn a set of new principles to replace old patterns of thinking and behaviour that you can apply whenever you need to. Effectively you learn to become your own therapist.
It is a place for you to take of all the ‘masks’ on your face and express freely. When therapy progresses, at some point, you may experience massive anger, resentment, blockages, criticism or blame others including therapist, avoiding homework task, etc. We would like you to express your emotions and beliefs freely irrespective of your social status and positions, just be YOU. It is a good process to learn you are only a human beings and you may not be perfect and face your weakness and limitation.
If that happens, we would like you to be totally honest with how your feel and express it freely, rather than shutting down, avoiding talking, disappearing, etc. It is normal to encounter difficult situations and blockages during a therapy if it happens, but if you escape from it, cancelling sessions or avoid dealing with it, you cannot face, learn, overcome your own issues and move on in your life. Your issues will stay with you. We don’t tolerate any abusiveness against a therapist, but offer a supportive environment for you to overcome and move on.
Session fee: Skype and Face to Face both.
- Online CBH & NLP – 80 min at 190 pounds (By Paypal 200 pounds)
- Face to face CBH & NLP – 80 min at 230 pounds (By Paypal 240 pounds)
- 3 session’s online CBH & NLP package payment x 80 min =480 pounds ( every 1-3 weeks, valid 2 months) (By Paypal 495 pounds)
- 3 session’s face to face CBH & NLP package payment x 80 min =630 pounds ( every 1-3 weeks, valid 2 months) (By Paypal 645W pounds)
* Please note that we may integrate EMDR or NLP when needed and please have a look at each.
– please email us with 2-3 preferred time.
Payment: by bank transfer. If by Paypal, Paypal charge is added by +4.6%+.
Client feedback and Testimonial: Please refer to EMDR webpage.
Cancelation and rescheduling policy.
– All the bookings should be made in advance with advance payment. – 50% charge within 48h of your appointment, and 100% charge within 24h of your appointment.
– With Farringdon only – After 4pm on weekdays, 40 pounds charge within 8 days of your appointment, 50% charge within 48h of your appointment, and 100% charge within 24h of your appointment.
– We will try to book a suitable room as much as possible with less restriction but if your therapy location falls into Farringdon, please be aware of this cancelation policy of 4pm onward on weekdays. If you don’t want to book Farringdon, room selection may be limited but please notify us.
– Since your session will be conducted as scheduled, please arrive in time. If you are late, you will lose your time.
– For the package deal – please note you need to notify minimum 48h to reschedule otherwise you will get charged 70 pounds to reschedule it, or within 24 h notice, 150 pounds to reschedule it, or lose one session.
For your information – History of CBT
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy was developed in the 1950’s by Albert Ellis a psychotherapist. Ellis developed ‘Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy’ (REBT) as a way to understand and overcome emotional disturbance. According to Ellis’s theory people not only get upset by problems, but also form strong views about reality in relation to their perceived beliefs of that problem. If these beliefs are irrational or self-defeating, the result can be unhealthy to their emotional and behavioural function.
Aaron Beck an American Psychiatrist further developed Ellis’ work in the 1960’s. Beck created the term Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). According to Beck patients suffering with depression magnified negative thoughts and minimised positive ones. Thus, Becks’ CBT aimed to alter this distorted way of thinking to change a patient’s emotional and behavioural state.