★ 銀河総督アシュタールによる、ギャラクティック・エネルギー/スターシードの目覚め、ブロック解放、ギャラクティック・エネルギー トランスミッション(スカイプにて)
– 短いコンサルテーションまたはカウンセリングタイム(約5-10分ほど)。
‐ もっと長い時間をご希望の方は、追加でサイキック・コンサルテーションか、トーキングセラピーなどを追加でご予約ください。
- パート 1
– ご自身がスピリットとして目覚め、成長していった段階を、誘導ワークでご経験いただけます。 (約40分ほど).
– パート2 (約60分).
– 地球次元以外で関わるブロック、宇宙霊、ETからの悪影響を解放していきます。地球次元に関わるブロックや、デーモンや未浄化霊などによるブロック解放、憑依霊解放はまず初めに、サナトクマラ除霊セッション(3-4回コース)で解放していきますので、事前受講科目を先にお受けください。
– ご自身のギャラクティックに関わるエネルギーを目覚めさせ、人生の目的を果たしやすくなるサポートをお受けいただけます。
– 銀河総監督アシュタールによる、チャネリング・ガイダンス。アシュタールが直接コミュニケーションをする場合が多々ありますので、コミカルな性格が全面的に押し出されることがあります。また、宇宙霊やブロックなどを解放するために音を立てますので、パート2ではイアフォンやヘッドフォンなどを外され、音量を少し下げておかれてください。
– 26 DNA 活性 / 40 DNA 活性 -> 対面セッションができるようになるまで、先に遠隔のスパークオブライフを先にお受けください。
– サナトクマラ除霊セッション
‐ クラス1によるプロテクション
‐遠隔 スパークオブライフ
– 個人セッション(パート1&2共)£230.110分 (72時間以内、UK国外はペイパルで£230)。
– 時間通りに始めますので、開始時間の5分前にお越しください。その後は、入場ができなくなります。
‐ お申し込み後、ご参加できなくなった方は、メールにてお知らせください。
‐ キャンセル&日時変更方針: ご予約日の48時間以内は、50%のチャージ、24時間以内は100%かかかりますので、ご留意ください。
お客様 ご感想 一例
’’Ashtar channeling was very powerful and quite emotional as well. I had no idea that I had such a strong connection and support from him. He gave me key information the was very relevant and confirmed he had been guiding me and not just in this lifetime either. He felt very protective and told me very specific details that only I understood to confirm his support. I now know he has been working behind the scenes for a long time in my life. Ashtar brought back memories which explains a lot and has strengthen my connection with him. I feel more confident in connecting with him more now. ’’
(English male, 20s, psychic consultant, July 2020, London, UK).
Part 1
” I entered this session with no expectations and honestly no idea what to expect. I entered a very deep meditative state that remained for the entire session, I was then delighted but also very honored to receive chanelled messages from both Mother Gaia and then Ashtar. I shall not reveal the words that were spoken, through Kei, however I left the session with an understanding of my creation and origin in this universe, priceless! I also received confirmation of what I already knew deep down inside but had been scared to say out loud, that I wasn’t like everyone else, I wasn’t from this world and had a greater purpose on this planet. I left this session truly humbled and very grateful, with a sense of knowing and understanding of who I really was, a question that I had been asking for many weeks in advance during sessions with Kei.The universe told me exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Kei. As always.”
(English male, business owner, 30s, London, Dec, 2019)
”I thank you to let me feel the warm loving energy of Asthar. I felt my energy when I had been born energetically like a new body. I saw various colours. I also thank you as I could receive the support from the divine governing body of the Solar system. I feel I am connected with the earth firmly now with a good understanding I am a star seed.”
(Japanese female, 50s, business owner, London, 2019, Dec.)
Part 2
”The session followed on from the first, and I really believed that I had received all of the information available to myself at this time. I was expecting this to be a kind of standard straight forward quantum release session, how wrong I was, it was actually the day of my rebirth! Kei warned me that Ashtar can make some slightly different noises to usual, and she was not wrong, I felt I really got to know Ashtar and his personality, a very funny guy! The channeling began almost immediately at the beginning of the session, and the release work began. It was when I got to my heart chakra that my whole life changed and the star seed deep within my heart chakra was awoken, the feeling of love that poured over me was incredible, and I sobbed for almost the entire remainder of the session. My third eye was opened for the first time, my crown chakra cleared and I was flooded with the light in order to prepare me for my journey. I was given parts of my mission here on this planet, those that I were ready to hear. Having only just found out who I was and where I came from in the first session, I now knew part of my life’s purpose and why I was here, again priceless. In this moment I was born again. Knowing this has given me strength to change so many areas of my life in order to continue my work here on this planet. I know that the path ahead of me is narrow and requires discipline to remove the shadow aspects of myself but I know now that I can and will achieve my mission here on this planet as it is my duty. Kei and I had a good laugh at the end of the session at some of the noises and mannerisms of Ashtar, and I really look forward to working with him in the future. Kei was incredible and highly supportive as always and took plenty of time to answer the huge number of questions based on the transmission. Again feeling very humbled and blessed to have experienced this session.
(English male, business owner, 30s, London, Dec, 2019)