
–サイキック・ リーディング、チャネリング、サイキック・ミディアム、‐ ライフ・コンサルテーション


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‐ 50分セッション  お支払いはこちらからペイパルにて
‐ 80 分セッション  お支払いはこちらからペイパルにて






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Private Readings & Consultations
Services are offered with genuine and sincere purposes but you are respectfully reminded that reading and channelling may not give you the results (which cannot be guaranteed) or the answers that you seek. What you do with the guidance is entirely your free will and as such your own responsibility. If you are seeking Legal, Financial, Medical or Health (including mental) and Fertility advice then the appropriate professionals should be consulted. Using these services shows acceptance of these terms and that you are over the age of 18.

★ お客様ご感想 一例

(Tarot & Psychic Reading)

(Tarot & Psychic Reading)

(Psychic Reading)

(Psychic Reading)

(Psychic Reading)

(Psychic Reading & Mediumship)

(Psychic Reading)

(Psychic Reading)
”It’s good to have a psychic reading and have an energetic assessment and explanation on what is going on energetically at the same time. It makes sense a lot. ”
(American male, 40s, business owner, London, May 2022)

(Psychic Reading)
’’The session was of tremendous help to me! Your words opened my eyes on many areas of my life where I can make change to help me transform and grow. I feel relieved, more at peace thanks to your precious help. I feel more empowered, I am gaining more courage to take the steps required to better myself and create the best life experience here on Earth. Thank you ever so much for your light and love.’’
(French female, 30s, London, Jan 2022)

(Psychic Reading)
”I can resonate with what she said totally about the past, current situation, and the future direction. Spot on.”
(English female, 20s, corporate, London, Aug 2021)

(Psychic Mediumship Reading)
”I could take all (about a career direction and choices), spot on! ”
(English female, 40s, finance, London, July 2021)
(Psychic Mediumship Reading)
”Message from my father meant a lot to me tonight. ”
(English female, 50s, finance, London, July 2021)
(Psychic Consultation)
”I enjoyed our session and you gave me a great deal to process… I would like to speak with you again. The session was really good.”
(English female, 50s, business owner, London, July 2021)
(Psychic Reading)
‘Yesterday’s reading was spot on. Actually, incredible.’
(English male, 60s, Medium, London, June 2021)
(Psychic Reading)  ”方向性が見えてやっと気持ちが楽になりました。’’’
(Psychic Reading)  ”ガイダンス通りに伝えてみると、希望通りに就職が決まりました。’’’
(Psychic Reading) ”お話しを親身に聞いて下さってありがとうございました!お陰様で将来の不安が随分と軽減され、焦らなくてもいいのだと心が落ち着きました。”
(Psychic Medium Reading) ” Thank you for the reading with so much information.  I shared it with my mom and she was so happy.  Words cannot describe how happy she looked.  She can feel her mom’s presence.  Mom asked me to thank you very much for the reading.”
(Canadian female, medical,  50s, Feb 2021, London)
(Psychic Medium Reading) ” Thanks again. It helped me and I’m a big fan of you. ”

(English male, self-employed, 50s, Feb 2021, London)

(Psychic Reading)  ”以前見てもらったことが本当にそうなってしまって、びっくりしています。’’’
(日本人女性、40s、Jan 2021, London)

(Psychic Medium Reading)  ”It was my grandfather coming through in spirit and her description about him was spot on. His message also made sense too.’’
(British male, self-employed, 50s, Jan 2019, London)

(Psychic Reading)  ”そのうちこうなります、と以前言われたことが実際にそうなりました。’’’
(日本人女性、会社員、40s、Feb 2019, London)

(Psychic Reading)  ”I am very impressed with her reading and it was accurate and helpful. Good guidance’.’
(British male, self-employed, 50s, Dec 2018, London)

(Psychic Reading)  ”Kei, thank you so much. These were the best 25 minutes I had in a long, long time. You gave a lot of clarity and I love your approach.”
(English female, beauty, 20s, Nov 2017, London)

(Mediumship)  ”I wanted to thank you for such a lovely reading yesterday. Receiving such a detailed and accurate message from a long lost relative on the other side is such a special gift anyone could wish to receive & be able to bring such messages across is truly a blessing in itself.”
(African male, marketing, 20s, Oct 2017, London)


(Channelling)  ”I needed to know how to bring my business ideas to manifest. My sitting gave me good steps to take Kei picked up on a lot of things that I have been thinking about and gave me some very good advice. She is professional and a very clear, gentle communicator.”
(Rose, English female, holistic, Feb 2017, London)

(Psychic Reading)  ”I’m coming out of the very dark situation and lots of things have been cleared up as she read, but yes, still there are still some things I need to clear and resolve. It was a good reading and I felt better, relieved.”
(English female, medium, 50s, Feb 2017, London)

(Channelling)  ”It was the first time having  the channelling session. I found it really useful and get some great advice from Marlin. Some of the things he said was a kind of things I could strongly relate with y current life and if they happen, I’m sure they will make a difference. It made sense about my mother, my brother and my future flow after I complete the training course.”
(Maltese male, 30s, travel industry, Feb 2017, London)

(Channelling) ”I am sending you my testimonial for our psychic channelling session on Saturday 4th February 2017.  I must say that when I came away from the session that I had a few things to think through.  It was a very informative session.

One of the main worries in my life has been starting a degree course in 2008 which I hated, even though I was interested in the subject (Sociology and Cultural Studies).  I felt a failure that I did not complete the course.  I have always wanted to go back to studying a course to do with people.  During my session I was so impressed that Kei saw in me the fact that I love children and that I enjoy people and that it would be good for me to combine this in a course and suggested that I might consider studying child psychology.  This was an eye-opener for me as I had recently thought about it but not pursued it.  I enrolled on an online psychology course after our session and will start this soon.  I feel quite empowered about starting this now and am looking forward to learning/studying.

She also talked about a few other topics such as my present relationship with my partner and how to best tackle my issues.

The session was very helpful and calming and enabled me to think things through during and after the session. Thank you so much Kei. ”

(British female, medical, 50s, Feb 2017, London)

(Channelling)  ”I was so impressed! What she said was matching to what is happening in my life in details.  The recommendation will be crucial to the topic discussed. Also horse-riding has been always my dream and thanks for the advice. Session clarified a lot of things.”
(Italian male, 20s, marketing, Jan 2017, London)

(Psychic Reading) ”What she said made so much sense to me. I’m so glad to have a message from my grand father. I’ve been mentally struggling and I felt relieved after her reading. Compassionate, positive and encouraging.”
(British male, 30s, IT, July 2016, London)

”遠隔リーディング、チャネリングを受け、その内容に納得です。墓参りには行ってなかったので行こうと思います。いろいろなガイダンスの内容をみるともっと自分の人生に気を配る必要があると思いました。これからのビジネスのメニューに関してもしっくりきました。ありがとうございます。” (日本人女性、40代、サイキック、2016年2月)

”(遠隔スパークオブライフセッションで)チャネリングの内容がドンピシャで衝撃的過ぎて、今興奮しています!まず xx、ケイさんのおっしゃる通りです!ずっとなぜかスピリチュアルな事に惹かれる自分、それを仕事にしたいと思う自分がいたので、そうゆう形でヒーラーになれるってゆうことに、今すごくワクワクしています!ヒーリングすぐにやりたいです!お願いします!あと、実は体のxxの左辺りがここ一週間くらい原因不明で痛んでいたので、すごく驚きました。今もまだ痛みはありますが、取って頂いたと聞いて安心しました♡。今は、離脱感もありますが、光を沢山身体中に感じています♡。 直感に従って、ケイさんにやって頂いて、本当に良かったです!大正解でした♪ 今、気分は大満足です!これから色々やって頂きたいので、どうぞよろしくお願い致します♪” (日本人女性、30代、会社勤め、2014年 3月)

“Kei was speaking clearly and getting connected clearly. Information coming through was clear and fluid. I could resonate with what she said and could get related” (Male, in his 40s. Psychic and Life coach. March 2016)

– “Very practical and it is like a life coaching session   from a light-being. I like its soft energy.” (Female, in 40s. Life coach)

– “My first time to have a reading from an Ascended Master and it was a   very different energy from what I experienced in the past. Reading made so much   sense to me. Thank you.” (Japanese female in 30s, healer)

– “Reading was really spot on and it was really accurate.   Such a gentle and soft, compassionate energy. Reading was related to my day to   day life and I feel I have now had a confirmation on what I was feeling about.”   (European male, in 40s. Finance)

– “Kei’s reading was really spot on and connected to the high dimension.   During her reading, I was healed through the heart and it was not only a reading. Very compassionate and high energy. She mentioned about cats, reading, writing and how I feel at night, and it was really spot on.”   (English female, in 50s. psychic)